When I was recently asked to cover a baby shower, let's just say that my knee-jerk reaction was an absolute yes! Why? Details, details, details, because who doesn't appreciate those. Let's start with some food and favors...
Before I get too carried away, here is the guest of honor looking pretty fabulous at seven months, I think. Baby Charlotte got some good genes!
Must...have...mimosa. All except mama, of course.
This gal pictured next deserves a special mention because a) She is the dear friend of mama-to-be who helped mastermind the party details, b) Her smile says it all, and c) Her baby is The Gap's model of the month (okay, not really, but shouldn't he be?). And, the two ladies below are the BFFs' beautiful moms. Soon-to-be grandma on the right co-hosted and opened up her lovely home for this special day. Charlotte will be her first grandbaby!
More cutie pies to boot...
Details, please!
The baby library is a most excellent way to go for a gift idea. I love this next title:
It was a fun afternoon filled with so much love, and I'm so happy to have been there. Best wishes to baby Charlotte and her family!
I'm a photographer who likes it candid and varied | I love natural light | The perfect click | Life's little moments | I am smitten with one and tickled by two | I'm a girly girl | A silly friend | A sucker for savory and spicy | I am easily inspired | Crazy about the details | And I'd love to capture a special moment for you.