A bit of local street fare and my personal favorites (sorry if the first one makes you gag) -- fishballs drenched in curry sauce, and fresh sugar cane that can either be munched on or made into juice. Mmm.
A typical Chinese delicatessen:
I naturally had to snap one of the kids posing under a gigantic Buzz Lightyear.
Moving on to Shanghai, one of China's largest, most Westernized cities. Population: 20 million. It has one of the most booming economies in the Far East according to my dad.
Moving on to Shanghai, one of China's largest, most Westernized cities. Population: 20 million. It has one of the most booming economies in the Far East according to my dad.
While the trip is usually one big food and shopping fest for us, the main reason for our visit to Shanghai was to see Expo. I remember going to Expo in Vancouver, BC more than 20 years ago. It was such a cool experience. Here inside the Chinese Pavilion, many of the local children displayed their artwork. I don't ever remember painting or drawing like this! I love the effort and attention to detail: