
Deliciously Kolo

While I don't offer albums at this time, here's where I might send a client or go to make a personal project. I'm digging the simplicity of these Kolo albums made from cloth and paper, although a few leather options are available. Lots of fresh styles to choose from. Affordable, too, so of course me likey! My faves are the Noci and the Vineyard. (I wish I could take credit for these cool product pics.)

Did I mention the pretty ribbon?
If you're in a lazy kind of mood, toss those prints into a Havana box (not too shabby, I say).
I love the opening for a picture on the front cover:
Whether you're doing an album, a photo book, or a scrapbook, I hope this gives you an idea for your next photo project.


  1. Ooh yes, I love the Havana cigar boxes. I stuff them with everything that can fit--and not all photos;)

  2. Cute, Char. Those cigar boxes are sweet! If you ever get a Kolo box, their blog editor wants "project" submissions of their products. Wouldn't that be funny - you could take a pic with Mateo's socks hanging out of it ;) It really wouldn't matter with your photos.
