I've been eyeing these Kelly Moore camera bags for a while. They're functional and stylish and don't scream "photographer in the house!" in any way. It might conveniently show up on my Christmas wish list along with the 25 other gadgets that a girl with a camera desires. Happy shopping!
I first photographed Hayden when he was six months old. He just had his first birthday, and I didn't think it was possible he could get any cuter. He's so full of personality and energy that by the end of the session, my face hurt from all the smiling. Hayden's parents are in for it as he just might (will) break some hearts one day.
His mom thinks he's a little ham, which I can't deny:
His dad wanted some pics in the new puffy coat:
Red chard, anyone?
Dear Hayden, I hope you'll look back on these someday and know just how much your parents -- and everyone else who's around you -- adore you.
Honestly, I am not one to get holiday cards done this early, but I made an exception this year when I saw ornament cards making their debut. These are available at Tiny Prints, and they offer a nice new spin on the traditional photo card. Hopefully I will be receiving a few of these from friends myself. Such a cute idea.
For other awesome designs, check out Design Aglow. It's mainly for photographers, but my friend Tangie is offering five of their designs, so if you're interested, drop me a line and I'll see what she can do!
Here are some of the other pics my husband and I liked - including outtakes - that didn't make the final cut, but ones that we'll be happy to have in years to come. Like all other parents, taking pictures of my own kids is NOT always easy. I take 50 snaps to get "one." They whine. They do the fake smile. And I will have to pay them soon. Just get out there and do it... because it's them, and they're yours (at least until they're 18).
Meet Katie and Joe... I have to say that as far as repeat clients go, these two come pretty close to topping my list. They're funny, sweet, and playful. They do not *appear* to fight like normal brothers and sisters. And they actually listen and do what is asked of them! Simply adorable. Can't ask for more than that.
After a few shots outside their lovely home, we went to play for a bit at Ravenna Park:
Final stop: Peaks Frozen Custardon 65th. Their mom said it was deelish, and she was right. We left as some very satisfied customers (myself included).
Thanks, you two, for making my job that much easier! I had a wonderful time.
I'm a photographer who likes it candid and varied | I love natural light | The perfect click | Life's little moments | I am smitten with one and tickled by two | I'm a girly girl | A silly friend | A sucker for savory and spicy | I am easily inspired | Crazy about the details | And I'd love to capture a special moment for you.